First, I want to show you the battle properties of the Fairy type:
Fairy be the offensive:
Double: Fight, Dragon, Dark.
Half: Fire, Poison, Steel.
Noneffective: None.
Fairy be the defensive:
Half: Fight, Bug, Dark.
Double: Poison, Steel.
Noneffective: Dragon.
Second, for the Fairy type, there are three kinds. One is all new Pokemon and they were introduced in X&Y. Second, the Pokemon was normal type they changed the type in this generation, and some of them add the Fairy type. Here's the list of the Fairy type.
From the Generation I: Clefairy Fairy, Clefable Fairy, Jigglypuff Normal/Fairy, Wigglytuff Normal/Fairy, Mr.Mime Psychic/Fairy.
From the Generation II: Cleffa Fairy, Lgglybuff Normal/Fairy, Togepi Fairy, Togtic Fairy/Fly, Marill Water/Fairy, Azumarill Water/Fairy, Snubull Fairy, Granbull Fairy.
From the Generation III: Raits Psychic/Fairy, KirliaPsychic/Fairy, Gardevoir Psychic/Fairy, MegaGardevoir Kirlia Psychic/Fairy, Azurill Normal/Fairy, Mawile Steel/Fairy, MegaMawile Steel/Fairy.
New Fairy Pokemon: Flabebe Fairy, Floette Fairy, Florges Fairy, Spirtzee Fairy, Aromatisse Fairy, Swirlix Fairy, Slurpuff Fairy, Sylveon Fairy, Dedenne Electric/Fairy,Carbink Rock/Fairy,
Fairy Pokemon Recommend:
Azumarill Water/Fairy :★★
You guys wanna know the reasons? Listen my podcast on the bottom.